Tag: reflection

  • Gratitude


    Each year, I take a photo on (or near) my birthday to capture both the moment and the passage of time. Some photos are better than others; some hold better memories than others.

  • Change is the Only Constant

    Change is the Only Constant

    Three hundred and sixty-some days. A year of a pandemic, lived, survived, now behind us; onto the next. I gained weight, lost weight, didn’t leave the house for days on end, watched approximately all of Netflix, created Calvin and Hobbes collage remixes for 100 days, walked miles and miles, read…

  • Things of Note, 2020

    Things of Note, 2020

    In no particular order, and inspired by Austin Kleon and Malaka Gharib: Rescuing baby rats from my car engine and a stray cat from my sidewalk. Meeting my neighbors and graciously accepting their help. Adapting to a new normal, zoomies and all. Reading more than 20 books, including Deacon King…