Tag: my art

  • COVID & HOBBES: Week 2

    COVID & HOBBES: Week 2

    When words fail, create. Here’s week two of COVID & HOBBES.

  • COVID & HOBBES: Week 1

    COVID & HOBBES: Week 1

    When words fail, create. Here is a new series I’ve been working on — a daily Calvin and Hobbes remix, the coronavirus version. I call it “COVID & HOBBES”.

  • My Toolbox: Birch Panels

    My Toolbox: Birch Panels

    A few weeks ago, though, I decided to try out wooden panels. They don’t come in as wide a variety of sizes as canvas, but is a good place to start broadening my horizons while working on a surface that retains some of paper’s characteristics.

  • Page 55

    Page 55

    I bought this small notebook in York, PA when visiting my dad’s gallery shows a few months ago. I wish I remembered the name of the bookmaker. The creator is JoAnne Schiavone. The pages are made of maps and heavyweight paper, perfect for mixed media play; and at about 5”x7”,…