Tag: mental health

  • This, Too, Shall Pass

    This, Too, Shall Pass

    This time of year is so difficult. It’s dark, it’s cold, and the holidays bring all sorts of mixed feelings. On one hand, there’s the promise of joy and charity and togetherness, and on the other the reality of rampant consumerism and the unrelenting pressures of maintaining a veneer of…

  • Let Me Introduce Myself

    Let Me Introduce Myself

    If you’ve followed me and my art online for a while, you’ll know that I’m a self-taught artist and writer. I was creative from an early age, writing stories, building imaginary worlds, performing onstage, and drawing. In a high school art class I discovered the Altered Books Workshop, which introduced…

  • Finding Peace in Stressful Times

    Finding Peace in Stressful Times

    When life’s stress is overwhelming, I focus on the things that are right in front of me and eliminate everything extraneous.

  • Being Present

    Being Present

    The creative process requires us to be present. How much inspiration and intuition are we missing by keeping ourselves distracted?

  • Capturing the Chaos

    Capturing the Chaos

    Since I first began art journaling, the pages have been a place to express the ups and downs of my life.