Category: Miscellaneous

  • Buried the Lede

    Buried the Lede

    From this quarter’s newsletter: While the beginning of the year felt impossibly long, I’m frankly a bit stunned that we’re already here, mid-March, nearly a quarter of the way through 2024. Spring, though, is my favorite season and I’m working hard to stay present, appreciate the small things (like bees…

  • Things of Note, 2023

    Things of Note, 2023

    This year was hard. From my newsletter: “As a whole, [2023] was a one of wild — and often painful — growth. Though I’m happy to have it nearly behind me, I do appreciate the lessons it reinforced: community is everything; joy is everywhere; art is central to my well-being; and…

  • Offene Ateliers Köln

    Offene Ateliers Köln

    Last weekend — only about week after I joined the studio collective — Atelier No 5 participated in Offene Ateliers Köln (Open Studios Cologne). The once-a-year event invites art studios throughout the city to open their doors and artists to share their work. We held a reception on September 8,…

  • Atelier No. 5

    Atelier No. 5

    I am exceedingly excited to share that I joined a shared studio space at Atelier No. 5 in the south of Köln. This opportunity allows me to connect with the artist community, build new relationships, and spread out and get messy (without the threat of curious cats). Other artists currently…

  • Butterfly Words

    Butterfly Words

    Words swirl around my head constantly. I rarely extract them, afraid of the uncertain consequences of others knowing what I really feel. The danger of expressing myself, of it being the wrong thing said the wrong way. I have a deep fear of being misunderstood. Of being punished, cruelly, immediately,…