Category: Miscellaneous

  • Burn Out

    Burn Out

    The second half of this year was packed. My Get Messy workshop was filmed in June and went live in August. I took on a challenging and fun design project for a Baltimore nonprofit in September, and subsequently realized that I wasn’t going to be able to give the necessary…

  • Artist Dates

    Artist Dates

    A few months ago, I was delighted to be able to meet two art journalers in person: Karen Liz and Caylee Grey. There is something really intimate about meeting other people who pour their souls onto paper. It’s not often that I get to connect one-on-one with others who art journal,…

  • Adios, Atelier

    Adios, Atelier

    Last month, I gave notice at the community studio I’ve been part of for the better part of a year. There are a couple of reasons: I’ve moved into a larger apartment with more room to create; I’ve primarily been making art at home anyway; and I’d rather save the…

  • Process Over Outcome

    Process Over Outcome

    Last week, I went to a dress rehearsal for Enno Poppe’s musical composition Strom. The piece sounded like an orchestra tuning its strings, or a child’s first concert: discordant, uncomfortable, and strange. (Listen to a small sample of it here.) Poppe created the piece by stretching single intervals — the…

  • Living, Intentionally

    Living, Intentionally

    Today I turn another year older (and hopefully, another year wiser). I’m grateful I’ve given myself every chance to keep going, and am celebrating my softness, my childlike delight in the small things, my kindness, my creativity, my sense of humor. A few lessons learned in my time on earth…