Category: Love Letters

  • 2011: I Lost a Friend Today

    2011: I Lost a Friend Today

    Ten years ago today, on April 28, 2011, a friend of mine took her own life at the young age of 23. In her honor, I’m reposting what I wrote after I learned of her death and sharing resources for mental health crises.

  • Gratitude


    Each year, I take a photo on (or near) my birthday to capture both the moment and the passage of time. Some photos are better than others; some hold better memories than others.

  • Change is the Only Constant

    Change is the Only Constant

    Three hundred and sixty-some days. A year of a pandemic, lived, survived, now behind us; onto the next. I gained weight, lost weight, didn’t leave the house for days on end, watched approximately all of Netflix, created Calvin and Hobbes collage remixes for 100 days, walked miles and miles, read…

  • Here’s the Thing

    Between a pandemic and relentless capitalist culture — and also this question of “What is your quarantine masterpiece?” that still lingers over my head a year into COVID — I am getting increasingly frustrated with the idea of being consistently productive in the face of such overwhelming circumstances.

  • More Creation, Less Perfectionism

    More Creation, Less Perfectionism

    What if we redefined “perfection” as actually leaning into the messiness and the emotion of existence? Maybe perfection is actually showing up as, and celebrating, the whole complicated human you are.