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I bought this small notebook in York, PA when visiting my dad’s gallery shows a few months ago. I wish I remembered the name of the bookmaker. The creator is JoAnne Schiavone. The pages are made of maps and heavyweight paper, perfect for mixed media play; and at about 5”x7”,…
Tabula Rasa
A domain in my own name, and a whole bunch of blank pages to fill. Done is better than perfect. Let’s do this.
How to Use Structure to Inspire Creativity
I wonder about the relationship between structure and creativity, right-brain and left-brain thinking, and the spontaneity of creation and the reliability of planning.
8 Myths about Art Journaling
One of the most wonderful things about art journaling – and one of the hardest to become comfortable with – is that there is no wrong way to do it.
Wonderful, Silly, Amazing Life
The tiny details in our lives often become the main focus; it’s so easy to forget how enormous the Universe is and how beautiful the world is.