Author: Ingrid Murray

  • (Un)Making a Home

    (Un)Making a Home

    Familiarity is comfortable and change, no matter what it looks like, is unbearably hard. Earlier this month, I said goodbye to an apartment I loved deeply, a safe space that was home to me for longer than any other place before it. (And look at that light!) This is the…

  • Doorways


    Time flies. Very soon, I’ll be living in Germany. I’ve spent the last several months purging, going through a lifetime of papers, art supplies, trinkets, and things put in closets years ago and long forgotten about.

  • Permission to Be

    Permission to Be

    I chose “ease” as my word of the year precisely because recently, it hasn’t been easy. And I haven’t yet figured out how to write through it, preferring instead to emerge from my protective cocoon once everything feels more manageable again, painting in the meantime. I took part in Oliver…

  • Build a Bigger Table

    Build a Bigger Table

    It’s International Women’s Day, and just over a week after Black History Month ended. My thoughts today for those who have more privilege: Be quiet for a moment. Listen—listen to hear, to understand, to learn. Trust that those who ask for your support actually do know what they need, and do what…

  • Welcoming Ease

    Welcoming Ease

    Intermittently, I’ve chosen word of the year—it serves as a beacon to focus on throughout the ups and downs of a trip around the sun, a reminder of what is important to me at this time in my life. It fits nicely into a “to feel” list, too. Past words…