Author: Ingrid Murray

  • COVID & HOBBES: Week 15

    COVID & HOBBES: Week 15

    Somewhere between weeks 12 and 14, I decided that I would wrap up the COVID & HOBBES project when I had completed 100 days’ worth of collages. When I began — on March 16, three days after the coronavirus was named a pandemic and the first day of many, many…

  • COVID & HOBBES: Week 14

    COVID & HOBBES: Week 14

    When words fail, create. Here is week 14 of “COVID AND HOBBES”.

  • 2011: I Lost a Friend Today

    2011: I Lost a Friend Today

    Ten years ago today, on April 28, 2011, a friend of mine took her own life at the young age of 23. In her honor, I’m reposting what I wrote after I learned of her death and sharing resources for mental health crises.

  • COVID & HOBBES: Week 13

    COVID & HOBBES: Week 13

    When words fail, create. Here is week 13 of “COVID AND HOBBES”.

  • Gratitude


    Each year, I take a photo on (or near) my birthday to capture both the moment and the passage of time. Some photos are better than others; some hold better memories than others.