In June and July, I did the daily Index Card a Day (ICAD) challenge. In August, I posted here every weekday. What I found is that showing up is what leads to inspiration, not the other way around.
Here are some of my favorite posts from this month:
These wouldn’t have been written had I waited for inspiration to strike.
A daily practice is the foundation to creativity and innovation. Austin Kleon calls it “apply ass to chair“: regularly find time to sit down, and you’ll discover something to write about, or paint, or collage. Getting started is the hardest part.
Don’t wait for inspiration — just show up, and inspiration will find you, eventually.
One response to “Daily Practice”
[…] also speaks about writing as a lifelong journey, with no fool-proof formula: you can only show up, pay attention, create terrible first drafts, seek feedback, learn from your mistakes, and try […]