In no particular order, and inspired by Austin Kleon and Malaka Gharib:
- Rescuing baby rats from my car engine and a stray cat from my sidewalk. Meeting my neighbors and graciously accepting their help. Adapting to a new normal, zoomies and all.
- Reading more than 20 books, including Deacon King Kong, Where the Crawdads Sing, Zealot, Parable of the Sower, and Austin Kleon’s trilogy.
- Focusing on my mental and physical health. Shedding 20 pounds. Resuming therapy. Running a 5K.
- Reuniting with my fiancé for the first time in 10 months because of the pandemic. Climbing Koenigswinter. Exploring the empty botanical garden in the rain. Playing Secret of Mana. NYE in three languages.
- Connecting with other artists. Weekly art nights with Viv. Live art journaling with Katie Licht. Austin Kleon on Zoom. Malaka Gharib zine workshop.
- Going on daily walks. Seeing goldfinches on thistle and the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction. Taking an accidental six-mile hike at Lake Roland. Getting to know the neighborhood dogs by sight.
- Dad beating cancer and celebrating his 60th. Flying kites on the beach. Orange crushes. Mini golf in masks.
- Exploring new interests and establishing new habits. Starting a logbook. Using the Clever Fox planner for the first time. Obsessing over Elvis and learning how to play “Don’t be Cruel” on the guitar.
- Seeing my mom for the first time in a year. Bailey. Walking in the rain at Long’s Park. Sharing food on the front porch.
- Visiting friends safely. Watching Hocus Pocus on a projector screen outside. Walking with Liz and Micaela. Thanksgiving with the Gramcocks.
- Creating COVID & HOBBES and keeping it up for 100 days. Finally finishing the Busy Day Book art journal.
- Practicing random acts of kindness. Supporting BLM and those struggling because of COVID. Providing transportation for a stranded family in the middle of July. Helping with a pharmacy bill.
- Getting an iPad.
- Obsessing over Elvis and learning “Don’t be Cruel” on guitar.
- Bearing a long and stressful election season and celebrating its conclusion with friends. Starting the February debate inside sharing food and watching the last debate outside in masks. Taking a walk when the election was finally called, and grabbing food in the evening.
- Supporting artists: Emma Howell, Aydin Hamami, Emily Cucalon, Tyler Thrasher, Se7en Captures, Mona Schaffer, Pamela J. Bates, Chocolate and Steel, Stacey Bradley, JennyJen42.
- Receiving surprise mail from Jana Clinard Harris. Cards from my stepmom and notes from my cousin. Care packages. Collecting more handwritten notes.
- Pre-COVID outings: Dad’s gallery show in York, PA. Seeing Wicked at the Hippodrome. Visiting the History of Black Abstract Art exhibit at the BMA.
- Creatively engaging with loved ones from afar. Family games over Zoom. Surprise virtual birthday party planned by my brother. Long calls with Amin. Regular check-ins with elementary school classmates and reconnecting with old friends.
- Challenging perfectionism and the fear of starting.